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Our mission:
“Provide safer water to those less fortunate”.
How your company can help:
Buy water bottles from our 501(c)3 Charity (Tax Deductible!) and give with every new water filter purchase. Let your customer know that a portion of their purchase with you went to this cause
Add a link from your website to Your company name will be added to current sponsors.
Fill out our contact form and we will touch base with you shortly in order to get your company giving.

85% Goes Directly to Building Water Systems!
Every day millions of Sri Lankans, especially those in rural areas, consume water from contaminated sources. Effluents from industry, agricultural pesticides and fertilizers, pollution and wastewater are still not yet properly monitored for use and disposal.
The impacts of unsafe drinking water are indicated by the rapid increase in incidences and death related to chronic kidney disease. This issue is so far reaching, that chronic kidney disease has last 20 years ranged in the top ten causes of death in Sri Lanka.
“I am writing today to thank you for your generous donation of a reverse-osmosis water filter to the Thakshila Vidyala School in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, on January 15, 2021.
Every day millions of Sri Lankans, especially those in rural areas, consume water from contaminated sources. Effluents from industry, agricultural pesticides and fertilizers, pollution and wastewater are still not yet properly monitored for use and disposal.
The impacts of unsafe drinking water are indicated by the rapid increase in incidences and death related to chronic kidney disease. This issue is so far reaching, that chronic kidney disease has last 20 years ranged in the top ten causes of death in Sri Lanka.
We launched our first global Clean Water Project in partnership with the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple in Thakshila Vidyala School in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. The water is toxic in this community with no means to make it safer. The new water system at the local school allows the children to drink clean water. They bring this water home with them which allows them to hydrate with healthy water vs the contaminated water.
Our second project is underway in Kanthale Sri Lanka at another school where the town also has toxic water that children are drinking.